Nominate candidates for the Arthur Svensson-prize 2016 before 31. December

mandag 5. oktober 2015

Trade unions all over the world are invited to nominate candidates for the Arthur Svensson International Prize for Trade Union Right 2016.

Nomination requirements

The nomination must include arguments for why the candidate is nominated. It must also be clear who is making the nomination, and the nominator’s relationship with the proposed candidate.

The deadline for nominating candidates is 31 December 2015. The prize will be presented in Oslo in June 2016.

The prize comittee

The committee is broadly composed of seven people from Norwegian trade union movement, appointed by the National Executive Committee of Industri Energi for a four-year period.

How to submit your nomination

Nominations must be made in either English or Norwegian to Committee Secretary Espen Løken (Industri Energi) by e-mail:, or by using the nomination form on the Arhur Svensson Prize-website.

Please label your nominations with the text: Arthur Svensson International Prize 2016

Read more about the prize and the statutes at